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Re: Making translated doc accesible

>>>>> "James" == James A Treacy <treacy@debian.org> writes:
James> Adam has done some wonderful things to improve the
James> documentation and allow its translation but does not have the
James> time to manage the actual documents. I believe he agrees with
James> me that someone from the doc group should manage this. Of
James> course, the webmasters will help make it easy to maintain the
James> pages on the web site.

Josip Rodin was going to do this!

He got through all of the design and planning phase, I believe, but
then stalled out.

Josip, would it be possible to get kick-started, and complete the work
you did to get the DDP CVS area installed automatically into the
Debian web areas somewhere?

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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