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Re^4: Debian Metadata Proposal -- draft rev.1.4

Am 07.07.98 schrieb apharris # burrito.onshore.com ...

Moin Adam!

APH> For this functionality, we need to recreate the store from scratch
APH> using docreg files.  Marco, in your scheme, how could we accomplish
APH> this?

Well, the first version (0.1.x) used

  find /usr/doc -name .dhelp

in a shell script. In the latest versions I#ve added this function in the  
dhelp_parse binary. It#s only one small function. Please try the option
"-r" of dhelp_parse.

And speed is no real problem.

APH> suffix, because I might have little experimental docreg files lying
APH> about which were never meant to be a part of the document store (i.e.,
APH> were never installed by a pkg).

I assume that all .dhelp files in /usr/doc are registered.

cu, Marco

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