Re^2: Debian Metadata Proposal -- draft rev.1.4
Am 06.07.98 schrieb apharris # ...
Moin Adam!
APH> > APH> * Source
APH> I thought it was a nice way to point to upstream location of the doc,
APH> for instance, the sunsite location for Linux FAQs.
Ok, maybe. Marcus?
APH> > APH> * Relation.IsFormatOf
APH> Yes. A converted file has Relation.IsFormatOf the original document.
APH> See Marcus' reason why this is not true and document "type" and
APH> document "subject" are not necessarily related. Anything we can do to
APH> keep the subject tree shallow is good, too, IMHO.
Well, I haven#t see any real argument, why we need type. For the user
there will be no difference. I vote to remove type.
APH> > APH> * Rights
APH> > We don#t need that -> <foo>/copyright.
APH> That's true, we don't *need* it; it's optional. OTOH, for instance on
APH> a DDP site or whatnot, knowing the rights would be a good thing.
But how should Rights work? Should the maintainer add the copyright text
APH> > Too big. The title should fit in one line of a WWW browser or a screen.
APH> > I would suggest <= 60.
APH> Hmm. One line is generally 75 characters, i.e., in email. That's
APH> pretty close to 80.
A title should be very short. Have a look at book titles (< 20 chars).
APH> You are correct; I'll lower it to 512.
APH> > <= 100 should be enough.
APH> Well consider that an individual name in RFC 822 format (i.e., "Adam
APH> P. Harris <>" can easily be 70 to
APH> 80 characters. So this would allow 3 authors around 65 chars each.
But in the standard you said, that we should add more than one person with
this method:
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