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Re: DDH subdirs, URLs, and URNs

Am 06.07.98 schrieb apharris # burrito.onshore.com ...

Moin Adam!

APH> Marcus, I have a question about the DDH system.  As I understood our
APH> last discussion of this issue, the DDH tree was centrally maintained,


APH> which means that it's not possible for doc providers to create new
APH> nodes in the tree.

No, Marcus and me have agreed that the package maintainer can add new dirs  
and this is very important. A good example is my doc-html-w3 package.  
Instead of putting all documents in /web, I#ve created a subdir /web/w3.

We have agreed that dirs should be part of DDH, if more than one package  
uses this directory.

APH> However, we did see that it might be nice to have 'application'
APH> groups, which are leaf nodes (meaning can't have child nodes) on the
APH> tree.  However, my current Metadata proposal doesn't accomodate this
APH> at all.  Unless we could iterpret the top level of my relative URLs
APH> (URNs) as an application group.


APH> 1) if the file is located in the doc dir of the package <pkg>, i.e.,
APH>    /usr/share/doc/<pkg>/<remaining-path>, and <pkg> is the package
APH>    that *supplies* the resource, then it is appropriate to use a
APH>    relative URL formulated as "<pkg>/<path>", where <pkg> is the
APH>    package name, and where <path> is the location of the document on
APH>    the file system relative to /usr/share/doc/<pkg> or /usr/doc/<pkg>,
APH>    in that order

No. That#s a bad idea, again. I can#t understand your problems with my  

APH> Is this enough functionality?

Again, I don#t like this strange solutions.

cu, Marco

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