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Re: ARM architectures

On Sat, 5 Jun 2021 13:19:10 -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside
<debian@polynamaude.com> wrote:
>I think you didn't get much what I said...


>If you'd have took time to explain the real reason behind why choosing a
>RPi4 maybe a good idea versus simply saying they are better than other
>choices. Then I would have considered much more knowledgeable your
>opinions and fact based.

I apologize for assuming knowlegde.

I personally prefer the Raspi 4 because it can run plain Debian in a
way supported by a Debian Developer, and their overwhelming market
share in nearly all segments greatly increases the possibility of
finding solutions for problems that might arise, and developer
motivation for fixing issues that appear on the platform.

>I cited those ARM Cortex A7 because you seem to say all of them we're
>limited to 1 GB and dual core.

I didnt say that. I gave that as the reason for specifically phasing
out MY Banana Pi machines. You'll surely leave the decision what I do
with MY hardware to me, or do I need your permission for throwing the
Bananas out?

>Also, there's a balance between price, size, power consumption...

Right. You cannoot expect a ten year old platform to be able to
compete with the bang-for-the-buck or the bang-for-the-watt factors of
current hardware. I'd prefer a modern dual core over a ten year old
quad core any time.

When comparing the Banana Pi with the Raspberry Pi 4, one is actually
comparing a ten year old dual core with a four year old quad core.

>Does the RPi4 is totally 64 bit ?

It can run plain Debian arm64. Is that "total 64 bit"?
As far as I know, it can also run 32bit flavors of Linux, but I don't
know whether a multi-arch installation is possible.

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Marc Haber         |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
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