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Re: ARM architectures

On Sat, 5 Jun 2021 01:16:44 -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside
<debian@polynamaude.com> wrote:
>I'm looking for a ARM platform that can easily run Linux.
>Support using terminal over serial port for booting (no need of a GPU).
>I know about the Raspberry PI but the GPU drivers are not open source.
>I don't really need a GPU, if I do need graphics then I could always go
>with a X over Ethernet.

I'd still consider the Raspberry Pi. It's unfortunate that the binary
non-free blob is already needed to boot the box even if one doesn't
need/use the GPU after booting, but it is reasonably common that
people care about their software on the platform, and it's also
affordable and has versions with enough RAM available.

Many of the options pointed out by Siji Sunny are a decade old and
therfore do not fill your with for a "modern" platform. I am currently
in the process of fading out the Banana Pis because the platform has
never really taken off and a dual core 32 bit CPU with 1 GB RAM is
running out of fun these days. The Raspberry Pi 4 does not have many
of the disadvantages of the older Raspberry Pi models (it has decently
connected Gigabit Ethernet and USB3 that can be used to reasonably
connect external mass storage).

Hope this helps.

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