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Re: Temporary(?) bundling of code that may not warrant its own package

Wookey <wookey@wookware.org> writes:

> On 2020-05-20 13:42 +0200, Gard Spreemann wrote:
>> Wookey <wookey@wookware.org> writes:
>> Is there any community consensus on putting the bundling in place
>> temporarily while the separate package is held up in NEW? Being the
>> maintainer of both, I would be able to quickly react to the separate
>> package having cleared NEW, and rid the other package of its bundled
>> copy.
> Would you not just put them both into NEW at approx the same time,
> library first? In practice no-one will stop you bundling in the
> initial upload, then uploading the separate library, then removing the
> bundle in a second upload of the main package once the library is
> through NEW. But that's more work that just doing it right in the first
> place.

Ah, but one of the packages is in Debian and has been for a while. It's
just that the latest upstream version of *that package* has started
bundling a third-party library that wasn't used in any way before.

Now the question is do I package the software the upstream bundles (the
one without proper releases or documentation)? If so, may I allow the
bundling until such time as that package (the one that is bundled by
upstream) clears NEW?

Sorry for the confusion.


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