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Re: Why keep upstream sources in Git at salsa.d.o?

Am Dienstag, den 13.08.2019, 22:10 +0200 schrieb Alexis Murzeau:

> I'm curious about keeping only debian/ in git.
> How to build such git repository ?
> I've tried one of yours but failed like this:
> ```
> $ gbp clone https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/ruby-html-proofer
> gbp:info: Cloning from
> 'https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/ruby-html-proofer'
> $ cd ruby-html-proofer/
> $ gbp buildpackage "--git-builder=sbuild -v -As -d unstable" \
> > --git-export-dir=../build-area
> gbp:error: upstream/3.11.1 is not a valid treeish
> ```
> I guess I'm missing either a part of git history or just the orig
> tarball, but what's the normal way to get it ?

You need the tarball of course, which you can obtain via origtargz. The tarball
is expected to be found at the location specified in tarball_dir in /etc/git-
buildpackage/gbp.conf, ~/.gbp.conf or given via command line paramter. You can
also use the command line to run origtargz:

gbp clone https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/ruby-html-proofer
cd ruby-html-proofer
gbp buildpackage --git-preexport="origtargz -dt" --git-tarball-dir=../ \
                 --git-builder="sbuild -v -As -d unstable" \

> (maybe there is a doc or wiki somewhere about this ?)

It is not yet very well documented.

HTH and regards, Daniel

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