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github and its workflows (was Re: manpages.debian.org has been modernized!)

On 2017-01-30 at 07:38, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:

> On 01/30/2017 01:32 PM, The Wanderer wrote:
>> If someone isn't cloning the repository locally, how is that
>> someone creating the patch which is in the git repo which is
>> requested to be pulled?
> Choose a random file in a random repository you are not allowed to 
> commit to. Click on the edit button. Ack that github will create a
> fork to edit the file. Make your changes. Click on save and on create
> a pull request... just a few clicks...


I deleted my "unless github has incorporated an _editor interface_ now"
comment, because I thought that was too tangential and off-the-wall to
bring up even as a hypothetical.

Are you saying that people are writing and submitting patches via a
Web-based editor interface, and that you're recommending that people
consider _accepting_ those patches, when they haven't even been
_build-tested_ before submission (because you can't build-test - much
less actually _test_ - without the full source tree, which you'd obtain
by pulling the repo)?

Maybe I'm missing something, or maybe I'm just backwards, but that
sounds _insane_ to me.

(I imagine it would be _possible_ to have a workflow of something like
"clone the repo, edit and test locally, copy-and-paste the full contents
of the edited source files one-by-one into the editor interface", just
to avoid 'git push' - but that seems like overkill, and would still
involve cloning the repo.)

If github really is encouraging that sort of thing (by including such an
editor interface) - as well as the "keep the only copy of your fork in
the same centralized location as the original code" mindset implied by a
don't-bother-to-clone-a-local-copy workflow - that leaves me
considerably less comfortable with the idea of people using github than
I used to be.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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