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Re: GitHub “pull request” is useful and can be easily integrated'’

Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org> writes:

> On Sat, 18 Apr 2015 17:55:17 +1000
> Ben Finney <ben+debian@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> > GitHub's pull request feature is proprietary to GitHub, it can only
> > work between repositories hosted inside the GitHub silo, and any
> > project using that feature is thereby locking its workflow to the
> > single-vendor GitHub service.
> Not true. Simply and completely untrue.
> The pull request exists on github, fine.

How can a collaborator Alice, with no GitHub account, get the pull

> I can either choose to manually pick that out of the github interface

I don't know what this means. How does that interact with the repository
a collaborator Alice, with no GitHub account, is using with standard

> or I can choose to use my github account to merge that pull request
> into a local branch.

So this option supports my point that the GitHub pull request is siloed,
and one must have an account with the single vendor in order to access

> > Git repositories outside GitHub cannot interact with the GitHub pull
> > request workflow using Git's own features.
> Untrue. I use github and git.linaro.org side by side and have applied
> github pull requests as reviews on review.linaro.org

How does a person Bob, using their GitHub repository, send a pull
request to Carol using only their ‘review.linaro.org’ repository?

Does Carol need a GitHub account and repository hosted at GitHub? If so,
that's the point I'm making: GitHub's pull request can only be received
and handled by another GitHub repository.

> > They have chosen (or have never been aware they made the choice) to
> > make it much harder to interact with them using the existing,
> > standard, federated Git ‘request-pull’ feature, instead opting to
> > exclude anyone who doesn't want an account on a specific vendor's
> > service.
> Sorry, that makes no sense. Working with github as a second remote is
> trivial. 

How does a collaborator Alice, with no GitHub account, access Bob's
repository on GitHub and use the standard ‘git-request-pull’ to make a
pull request to Bob? How does this interact with the GitHub pull request

How does Bob make a pull request to Alice, using GitHub's pull request
feature, such that Alice can handle it using standard Git?

Your descriptions so far seem to support the position that Git
‘request-pull’ is equal for all peers, is incompatible with a
workflow based on GitHub pull requests, and that GitHub pull requests
cannot be received and handled using standard Git commands.

My point is to refute the notion that GitHub pull requests are open and
equal for all peer repositories. Please show specifically where I'm
wrong on that.

 \        “Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas |
  `\     are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats.” |
_o__)                                                    —Howard Aiken |
Ben Finney

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