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Re: Minified javascripts in packages

 ❦ 15 avril 2015 16:55 +0100, Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> :

>>Usually, this is something like this:

>> http://modernizr.com/download/#-fontface-backgroundsize-borderimage-borderradius-boxshadow-flexbox-hsla-multiplebgs-opacity-rgba-textshadow-cssanimations-csscolumns-generatedcontent-cssgradients-cssreflections-csstransforms-csstransforms3d-csstransitions-applicationcache-canvas-canvastext-draganddrop-hashchange-history-audio-video-indexeddb-input-inputtypes-localstorage-postmessage-sessionstorage-websockets-websqldatabase-webworkers-geolocation-inlinesvg-smil-svg-svgclippaths-touch-webgl-shiv-cssclasses-addtest-prefixed-teststyles-testprop-testallprops-hasevent-prefixes-domprefixes-load
> The preferred form for modification of the result is the web site plus
> that url, isn't it, then ?

It depends on the modification. If you want to add/remove an option, yes
(how impractical for us). If you want to fix something, add a test or
something like that, the preferred form of modification could be the
generated script (because it is easy to amend while the original source
may be more difficult to build/integrate into your project).
Parenthesise to avoid ambiguity.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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