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Re: MATE 1.8 has now fully arrived in Debian

[ ⏰ 26/06/2014 15:34 ] [ ✎ Thorsten Glaser ]
> Jean-Christophe Dubacq wrote:
>> So that students can do eg ssh mybuddymachine /sbin/shutdown ?
>> (and they need to be able to shutdown their own machine, power is not free).
> Why do people always think that a proposal will automatically
> exclude all others?
> In your student scenario, you do *not* add them to the shutdown
> group (or you show some trust into them). In your scenario, you
> use all those *kit (or their successors) packages. You are what
> those GNOME/systemd people target their new things at.
> But neither you nor Svante/me are the *only* use cases. Rather,
> both coexist. Just as I do not want to tell you to add all your
> students to the shitdown group, which would be inappropriate, I
> do not want to be told to use systemd, just to shut down a box.
> Use the right tool for the job.

However, in your scenario, somebody will bug base-files asking that the
shutdown group be added to the base groups of everybody. I do not want
that. My ideal setup is that nobody has any groups but his own. I would
like audio and video groups removed for everybody. This is not needed
with the correct framework. I agree that this model may work for special
needs (fuse, maybe?).

So I say, if you want to use this kind of backward setup, install
systemd-equivs, setup whatever you need, modifying pam groups and
everything, like I used to setup the IRQ number for my sound card twenty
years ago, and be done with it.

Jean-Christophe Dubacq

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