Re: its developers and its users. [was: something from util-linux]
2014-02-12 12:26 GMT+01:00 Oleg <>:
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 11:51:38AM +0100, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
>> > I'm using debian and i don't want to use systemd in any form (with gnome3,
>> > etc).
>> Great. gnome3 does not depend on systemd directly. It depends on some
>> interfaces provided (solely, currently) by systemd. And it's not gnome3
>> alone.
>> Go and help reimplement those interfaces (coding, testing, whatever), or
>> otherwise do something constructive.
> I do my job. And i have no enough time to do a job of others. This is a
> strange logic: if something goes wrong, we must throw our work and do a work
> of others.
So we, who are mostly freelancers and work on Debian *and* our jobs,
should do extra work in order to support sysvinit?
I don't think so... If you want something done, do it. But don't try
to get others to do it for you, unless you want to pay them.
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