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Re: Proposal: switch default desktop to xfce

> On 26 Oct 2013, at 16:08, "Andrew M.A. Cater" <amacater@galactic.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> That wouldbe my preference - a tasksel change for "no desktop" "KDE" "GNOME"
> "LXDE" XFCE" etc. for the netinst - default being no desktop - ideal for a minimum
> install.

I don't understand how that would work: I presume you don't mean an isolinux option that changed the meaning of "Debian desktop environment" to "no desktop".

I think the boot options make the situation more complicated. Why not have a selection of tasks

XFCE desktop environment (default)
LXDE desktop environment
GNOME desktop environment
KDE desktop environment
Where the debian recommended is suffixed as I've indicated above, and to get no desktop, you deselect them all.

My main concern about this would be the task selection screen having too many options. In which case the desktop questions could all have their own screen.

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