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Re: Survey answers part 3: systemd is not portable and what this means for our ports

]] Russ Allbery 

> The upstart package takes over process 1, so 100% of the systems with the
> upstart package installed are using it as process 1.  The same is true of
> systemd-sysv, of course.

This isn't necessarily true.  I used to run my laptop with systemd as
pid 1 and the upstart package installed, for historical reasons (it used
to run Ubuntu and was upgraded to Debian).  I agree that's not a
reasonable configuration, though.

> I don't think there's a way to do a straight apples to apples comparison
> on adoption based on the current popcon numbers.  The number of people
> running systemd is more than the install count of systemd-sysv, but less
> (and I suspect much less) than the install count of systemd.

Correct.  We are not talking about a huge number of systems in any
case (for either systemd or upstart).

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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