Re: About the media types text/x-php and text/x-php-source
On 2012-08-28 12:36:22 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Vincent Lefevre writes ("Re: About the media types text/x-php and text/x-php-source"):
> > Now, the sender could also provide a charset with
> > application/*, in which case the recipient client should know
> > that this is necessarily text.
> Is that actually written down in the MIME specs anywhere ? I wouldn't
> have thought that would be a safe assumption at all.
Providing a charset parameter is explicitly allowed. In RFC 2046:
Other media types than subtypes of "text" might choose to employ the
charset parameter as defined here, but with the CRLF/line break
restriction removed. Therefore, all character sets that conform to
the general definition of "character set" in RFC 2045 can be
registered for MIME use.
Then if there is a charset parameter, with a value that refers to
some known text character set, I think that one can assume that
the contents are encoded with this charset, thus can be displayed
as text.
Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)
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