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Re: upstart: please update to latest upstream version

]] Thomas Goirand 

> In what way do we have a choice as a user?
> 1/ upstart Conflicts: with sysvinit.
> 2/ none of our (providing daemon) packages carry an upstart
> script (of course, because if they did, they would depend on
> upstart, which breaks everything because of 1/).

No, they wouldn't need to depend on upstart any more that packages
shipping .service files depend on systemd.

> So our users have basically no choice. It's not only pretty useless,
> to have upstart in Debian, but it breaks everything when it installs!
> I'd even be tempted to fill a bug report with severity critical:
> "makes unrelated software on the system (or the whole system) break"

What breaks if you install upstart?  Sure, sysvinit gets removed, but
upstart installs quite happily and is a fully functional init.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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