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Re: Init dependency between nfs-kernel-server and name server

]] Petter Reinholdtsen 

| [Goswin von Brederlow]
| > That way nfs-kernel-server is started after the name resolvers but
| > none of them is required. Does that look right?
| Nope.  Virtual facilities (like $named and $local_fs) provided by
| several scripts should not be listed in the Provides line of
| individual init.d scripts.

They are not virtual facilities, they are just reserved system facility
names.  Further, the LSB seems to contradict that the names should not
be used in Provides:

  Boot facilities are used to indicate dependencies in initialization
  scripts, as defined in Comment Conventions for Init Scripts. Facility
  names are assigned to scripts by the Provides: keyword. Facility names
  that begin with a dollar sign ('$') are reserved system facility

(From http://refspecs.freestandards.org/LSB_3.1.1/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/facilname.html)

| So the idea might make sense, but the
| implementation would be to add a virtual facility starting with $,
| define it in /etc/insserv.conf.d/ for each package providing it and
| use it in Should-Start headers. :)

It seems quite inappropriate to limit this information to just a single
init system when we have more than one in Debian.  We should strive to
move that information into a init-agnostic place, and I don't see why it
would be wrong to just have the relevant init scripts Provide the
relevant facility.

| Besides, I believe $named is a existing and fitting virtual facility
| for this use.

Indeed, it seems quite appropriate.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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