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Re: UPG and the default umask

On Mon, 2010-05-17 at 11:23 -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> You haven't shown any implementation that security will be compromised
> in any way. You just keep throwing it around, which isn't doing anything
> for the discussion.
Uhm, no!

If you need to change for example ssh, to allow an authorized_keys file
or perhaps even things like ~/.ssh/id_rsa to be group-readable and/or
writable you actively compromise security, at least for those systems
which do not use (for whatever reason) UPG.

I guess upstream haven't added that permissions checks just because life
was so boring, but rather for some specific reason.
In the case of authorized_keys, I assume, to prevent "social
attacks".... if you know which people are allowed to access a machine,
it's much easier to get their keys...

Or do I understand the idea behind 581919 wrongly?

Beset wishes,

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