Re: Cross compiler ITP (armel)
2009/11/2 Mike Hommey <>:
> On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 12:25:16PM +0100, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
>> So if that is a problem - why not enhance the gcc packaging to build the
>> cross-compiler packages?
> Combinatorial explosion ?
We took this approach, and we have been building this way.
Binutils, GCC, GDB, EGLIBC have cross built in capability, but some
tricks (relaying on dpkg-cross) must be done in order to build the
cross toolchain and Debian autobuilders do not know how to keep with
this. This is the reason we have been keeping the cross tools at site.
Then relaying on -source packages approach was suggested by Matthias
and not entirely rejected by Ganeff when I talked to him about it. A
visualization of the build dependencies can be found at:
There already packages in the archive build depending on -source, like
binutils-z80, which is not much different from binutils-armel
Héctor Orón
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