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Josselin Mouette and Planet Debian


From the above news article:
# Debian Project Leader Steve McIntyre told iTWire that after Mouette's "abuse
# of the ability to post to the d-d-a mailing list, I asked our mailing list
# administrators to remove that privilege for in future."


Josselin's most offensive behaviour is in the form of blog posts syndicated by 
Planet Debian, above are links to the two most recent ones.  He has stated 
that he intends to keep offending people.  His aim seems to be the censorship 
of people who disagree with him by continually offending them until they stop 

As the Debian culture is opposed to censorship, I believe that such posts do 
not belong on Planet Debian - which is for many people the public face of 


I believe that we need a code of conduct for the Planet.  The Ubuntu code of 
conduct seems like a good starting point.  They have CC licenced their code 
of conduct and encourage others to copy it.


The above article concerns the damage that Josselin's actions cause to the 
Debian project.  D-d-a is not that different from other parts of Debian, bad 
behaviour in other forums also hurts the project.

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