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Re: Mandatory -dbg packages for libraries? (and API docs too)

Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@debian.org> writes:

> That's all true, but it fails to convince me that is better not to state
> this in the policy than to state it (only Steve's point about "wrong API
> docs", but I'm convinced it will be quantitatively small). My approach
> to this is first to decide whether API docs in the policy is something
> we want in debian or not. Then, if it is the case, to state it in the
> policy. Then see how this will be received by DDs and maybe start filing
> bug with patches for fixing the issues.  I don't like thinking "naaaah,
> it won't work, so please don't try to enforce it".

This is generally not how Policy works.  Policy modifications that render
large numbers of packages buggy are only accepted in very unusual
circumstances.  Normally, the onus is on the folks wanting to make the
change to get widespread adoption first, and then the Policy modification
happens afterwards.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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