Re: Mandatory -dbg packages for libraries? (and API docs too)
On 29-Apr-07, 03:10 (CDT), Peter Samuelson <> wrote:
> [Neil Williams]
> > I chose Debian as a development platform for my own reasons and my
> > decision was "not deemed to be wise" in the eyes of some of my
> > upstream colleagues. As the newbie to that particular team, I was
> > under significant pressure to "upgrade to Fedora or SuSE".
> Are you saying Fedora and SuSE have API documentation for all the
> libraries they ship? I must say, that surprises me.
And if so, why haven't they submitted them upstream? :-)
Steve Greenland
The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
world. -- seen on the net
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