Re: Linux/Debian documentation suggestion
On 18-Apr-07, 15:03 (CDT), Debian Oracle <> wrote:
> Unfortunately, it cannot be told. The discussion involved happened on
> debian-private, and its participants have said they don't want it
> published. Not even the Debian Oracle is mighty enough to survive the
> punishment for revealing what happens on -private.
> Oops.
> You owe the Debian Oracle safe haven and a black anti-helicopter missile
> launcher. Now, please.
Sure, no problem. Please send the latitude, longitude, and elevation of
your front door to debian-private. Delivery will begin shortly.
Regards, and Farewell,
Steve Greenland
The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
world. -- seen on the net
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