Linux/Debian documentation suggestion
Title: Linux/Debian documentation
This Linux/Debian documentation suggestion, regards Linux and
applications commands.
It is proposed that the kernel and applications packets (.deb,
.rpm) includes (or has the possibilty to include) documentation about
the package commands. Maybe in many languages like Mac OS X. Mac OS X
has each language text in each data-fork.
*When "I" is in the catalog "/var/log" - what
commands can I use here?
*Which commands is occluded by
others at "/var/log"?
*If I deinstall "this" package - which commands are
then lost?
*A command "xxy" at "/var/log" - which
package is responsible? (Am I using the right package command?)
*If I want or need command xxzz, which packages can give me
*If a given command is in some sense considered obsolete, which
commands is then endorced?
The "man" and "info" documentation should
(with time) be included in the package. Why should I search the net
for command documentations? The system should supply the right
Have this feature-idea not occured to others?
Optional more suggestion:
A script file should document which "commands-pools" is
required. Before execution of a script, the system should check these
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