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Re: some Debian Apache Maintainer here ?

On Thursday 15 June 2006 16:06, Marc Chantreux wrote:

> Is there a way to help/join/"have news from" the apache team ?

Have you tried contacting the apache maintainers directly? (I'd cc such 
mails to the d-apache@l.d.o list, just for the record)

The changelog.Debian.gz of apache2 and apache lists
 * Adam Conrad (apaprently currently the only active apache person)

Yep. That's right, Adam seems to be the Debian Apache Team at the moment.  
No wonder he doesn't need a mailing list to coordinate with himself... :-/  
There have been some uploads by Amaya, Fabio and Thoma May, but that was 
back in 2004.

Without knowing or having asked Adam, this seems like help might be welcome.

-- vbi

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