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Re: [Fwd: Re: Debian based GNU/Solaris: pilot program]

On Thursday 03 November 2005 08.32, Erast Benson wrote:
> Matthew:

> > [...] whether you want to be part of A Debian Release.
> Hard to say right now... Lets see how all this thing will progress.
> But, *yes* we are willing to cooperate.

So I guess this summarizes the technical side of this discussion.  To use 
the lkml attitude: show us the code.  Release your system, show us that you 
can actually work with the Debian community rather than just discuss things 
on a mailing list by pointing out that there is a authorizatrion-required 
web site that contains much more info for those inclined to apply for a 

Debian/Opensolaris should do this: get the code working and published, and 
*then* work with the Debian project to get it integrated.  Since you'll be 
using Debian source packages, this should be mostly doable by filing 
portability patches to the Debian bug tracking system.

I leave the license question to others - I'm not qualified.  I just say that 
you'll have to seriously address this if you want to become a part of 
Debian.  (Saying 'Sun's lawyers did think it's ok' will *not* be enough.)

-- vbi

Every bug you find is the last one.

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