Re: architecture-specific release criteria - requalification needed
* Josselin Mouette ( [050921 15:25]:
> Le mardi 20 septembre 2005 à 23:41 +0200, Andreas Barth a écrit :
> > For that reason, we discussed in multiple meetings, together with porters,
> > ftp-masters and other people more than once how the criteria should
> > look. Also, there was more than one discussion on debian-devel. [1, 2]
> This has been indeed discussed to death. The result of the discussion
> seems to be that a large majority of the developers doesn't agree with
> all your criteria. Why are you trying to force this change regardless of
> that? It will only result in resurrecting the neverending discussion on
> debian-devel.
I disagree with you. All of the discussions that I had have shown me
that most of the developers agree with the basic goals. Of course, some
of the discussions were unnecessary heated through presenting the ideas
in a too mixed way with other ideas.
And, BTW, there is no "trying to force". We need to explicitly set
architecture requirements, or etch will become even worse manageable
than sarge was. For this reason, the release team decided that this list
is now part of the release policy, as well as the RC criteria list is
part of our release policy.
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