Dogme05: Team Maintenance
as a conclusion of many discussions at DebConf5, I propose to
maintain all packages by teams. A fine way to do this, is by
having a pkg- project at It is useful to
invite non-DDs, esp. upstream developers and people from Debian
derivatives to participate in such teams.
I. The most important packages in Debian are maintained by
teams. The experience with that modus operandi is very good.
II. Team maintainance gives higher quality packages, as more
people look at the packaging details.
III. The responsiveness on bug reports is higher, as more people
can react without having to NMU. Adjustments between team
members can slow down this, but this is just a matter of
agreements inside the team.
IV. Less need to orphan packages, as most teams will not
collapse, if a single maintainer drops out. Less work for
our lion-hearted QA team.
V. If not at least two maintainers can be found for a particular
package, it is not worthwhile to have it in Debian, at least
not in a release. experimental is OK.
VI. The advantages of team maintenance outweigh the problem of
team maintenance overhead.
VII. Team maintainence helps us to collaborate with upstream
and derivers.
VIII. Packages not maintained by teams are not to go into
IX. As alioth becomes even more important to Debian, we will
have to strengthen (HA-ing) this resource.
X. Teams shall meet online or in sauna. They are allowed to do
DDR or ballroom dancing.
[Dogme05 is, of course, a pun on Dogme95.]
Wolfgang Borgert <>,
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