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Re: Testing package installation, upgrading, and removal


> I've been thinking about that kind of package testing as well, but
> haven't gotten very far with it. See my two web log entries about it:
> http://liw.iki.fi/liw/log/2005-05.html#20050507b
> http://liw.iki.fi/liw/log/2005-05.html#20050509c
> In other words, I don't think it should be tied to piuparts, but if
> suitable debian/rules targets are standardized on, piuparts could
> certainly run such checks.

We used to have debian-test, which is now removed from
Debian archive.

Learning from that experience, there needs to be some kind of 
policy on tests.

Some debian-test scripts had dependency on maintainer machines
(like IP address and directory structures), and 
sometimes it's difficult to make a portable assumption about
these, while it is requisite for a test to run.


Junichi Uekawa, Debian Developer   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/
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