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Re: Let's remove mips, mipsel, s390, ... (Was: [Fwd: Re: GTK+2.0 2.6.2-3 and buildds running out of space])

Le Lun 21 Février 2005 11:38, Wouter Verhelst a écrit :
> On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 05:21:50PM -0800, Brian Nelson wrote:
> > Also, really huge stuff, like KDE, cannot be uploaded as frequently
> > as perhaps the maintainers would like because it kills the slower
> > buildd's for a few days.
> Hypothetical daily KDE builds would also insanely increase the amount
> of network traffic being used by the mirror pulse and people
> upgrading their home boxes, so it isn't just a buildd problem.

that's true, though this is because partial uploads are not possible

I mean that you have no way to say for huge source packages : you only 
need to build this , this, this and this pacakge. since the changes 
I've made won't affect the others.

I know this raises practical problems (the worst of it not beeing able 
to construct the same packages that are on the archive when starting 
from source+diff). But if one day BW is critical, there is a path to 
explore here.

·O·  Pierre Habouzit
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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