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Re: Debconf doesn't scale well -- suggestion

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On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 03:06:05PM +0200, Daniel Haude wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I've been running Debian on several machines for several years and have 
> been always happy with it. The only thing that I've almost always had to 
> struggle with is the configuration of the X windows system which I do 
> through debconf. What I don't like about debconf (this is always the case 
> but becomes very obvious with a package like xserver-xfree86 which has a 
> great many options that can be fiddled with) is the one-dimensional 
> approach to the configuration, meaning that you always have to wade 
> through the same collection of questions even if you only want to change 
> one single parameter. There isn't even a chance to go back. Shouldn't it 
> be possible to add an interface which implements the modern approach -- a 
> tabbed collection of configuation panels, one for each section (screen, 
> mouse, keyboard etc) of the configuration?
> I actually find it hard to believe that this isn't being worked on already 
> -- or is it?
> just my .02€
> --Daniel
Hi Daniel,
on the debian-user list (I think) I saw mention of debconf-set-selections 
and debconf-get-selections mentioned. Someone was trying to figure out a 
way to copy a debian setup fully. dpkg --get-selection, -set-selection 
and dselect upgrade are a good start but it doesnt setup /etc or debconf.
This maybe a lead.
- -Kev

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