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Re: Web applications

I wrote a webapp policy proposal a few years ago.

You can take a look at it here:


It is just a start and I have probably changed my mind since then. :)


// Ola

On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 07:30:07AM -0400, sean finney wrote:
> hey guys,
> i totally agree, and have had an inkling to bring this up for some time.
> web apps are totally un-standardized in how they install themselves,
> bad enough in some cases to actually do damage (to themselves, at
> least).
> in my eyes, the following should be dictated by a "web apps policy",
> or at least "reference".
> - whether/how to prompt for database usernames/passwords via debconf
>   (if necessary), and how not to store the root password.
> - whether/how to prompt for whether to leave the database after purge
> - default settings, disallowing default username/passwords for
>   web-accessible services.
> - how to get a list of different installed web servers, and how to
>   select which ones to target for installation.
> - whether/how to include one's configuration with apache.  ideally there'd be
>   a conf.d style directory, though if the apache folks could settle
>   on a name for their config script calling that in postinst would work
>   too :) 
> - php ought to have a php.d directory
> - whether/how to restart the web server
> - fhs-compliant layout for sites, examples of how to seperate the config
>   from the rest of the site.  what constitutes something that ought to
>   be in /var/cache, /var/lib, et c.
> - debhelper macros for as much as possible
> there's probably more....  anyway, i'd be very interested in discussing
> this further, as i think it's an area that could use a lot of work
> (post-sarge, of course:)
> 	sean

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
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