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Re: Sarge, kernel-image, and i586-SMP

On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 03:42:49PM -0500, Adam Majer wrote:
> Steaphan Greene wrote:
> I'm not sure if there even was SMP and 386s. I think that only during
> the PentiumPro era did SMP get better implementation (i686). Anyway, the
> 386 kernel is sooo slow on a 586 (in comparison with the 586 optimized
> kernel) that you have to recompile it unless you want your box running
> at 50% its maximum speed (KDE is very slow on Pentium MMX on 386 kernel,
> but usable with optimized kernel).

I just meant a non-accel kernel with SMP support.

> I know that building all of the modules and drivers on Athlon 2000+,
> takes well over an hour (or two, can't remember). But compiling a kernel
> with only the modules for your hardware reduces this to something like
> 5-10 minutes.

Yes.  I was just hoping for a solution that wouldn't require me to do a
recompile every time a vulnerability was announced (other than running
on 50% of one processor by using the vanilla 386 version).

> I think it is just because it is rare and each kernel image is about
> 30MB on mirrors. Remember when Debian had K6, 586, 486, etc.. optimized
> kernels? Getting rid of them reduced the number of CDs by one :)

Is there an easy way to automate, or semi-automate, this recompile?

As far as I know, every time a new kernel source is released, I must
re-run "make menuconfig", build the kernel etc....  I'd just rather have
a solution where I can set it up and then forget it.  This is just a
router, fileserver and firewall - it doesn't do anyhing else, so I don't
really want to have to mess with it much - but it is required that it be
as secure as reasonably possible.

Even if it's not included on a CD, having the 586 packages for update
would just save me so much time.  Perhaps this is the kind of thing I
want to talk to the folks at backports.org about?

(Thanks for the info, BTW).

Steaphan Greene <sgreene@cs.binghamton.edu>
GPG public key: http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~sgreene/gpg.key.txt

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