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Re: New virtual package: cron-daemon

On Tue, 1 Jun 2004 22:43, "Milan P. Stanic" <mps@rns-nis.co.yu> wrote:
> For my personal use I packaged uschedule (cron replacement) and had
> to build crond with equivs just to satisfy dependencies.
> I think (if it counts because I'm not DD) that the name of the virtual
> package should be more generic like periodic-exec-daemon (just idea)
> or something similar.

How is "periodic-exec-daemon" more generic than "cron"?  I suspect that most 
Debian users learnt about the concept of periodic execution by using cron!!!

I think that if we are to use a purely generic name then the current "cron" 
package would have to be renamed to "vixie-cron".

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