Re: So many packages. So few that I need started at every boot.
begin Marc Haber <> wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Dec 2003 09:00:06 +0900, Junichi Uekawa
> <> wrote:
>>No package provides that.
>>It is documented in invoke-rc.d manual page.
>>Available since 3.0, apparently.
> But policy-rc.d can obviously only be used effectively with packages
> that use invoke-rc.d, which is - IIRC - pretty exotic for woody
> packages.
ACK. The other way would be a wrapper for start-stop-daemon or is this
also exotic for woody?
Wer A sagt, muß nicht B sagen. Er kann auch erkennen, daß A falsch war.
(Erich Kästner)
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