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Re: Services I'd like from auric

On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 10:34:21PM +0100, Martin Loschwitz wrote:
> I understand the ongoing efforts to make the Debian development boxes
> more secure and I appreciate them as they will probably help to save
> our users better from security issues related to the Debian machines.
> However, I think that we should not burden our own work that hard in 
> the name of security. 

You've made a decent post, but it seems to me that the reasons are all
reasonably unimportant and don't really "burden our own work".

Note that I just noticed that I can no longer see the log of the mirror
push (which is useful when one is handling mirrors@d.o stuff, being able
to pinpoint a small amount of problems), but I don't see much reason to
protest because they were of limited use to me anyway (a comparable amount
of problems wittnessed in the logs couldn't be fixed solely by myself).

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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