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garden variety of /var/log/* naming patterns

Policy says:
     Log files should usually be named `/var/log/<package>.log'.
However I notice the word log is already in that directory's name.
Anyway, I notice there are a whole garden variety of naming patterns.
$ ls -F /var/log|perl -ne 'print unless (/\.(gz|\d)$/||/\/$/)'|column
XFree86.0.log           kdm.log                 mail.log                uucp.log
aptitude                kern.log                mail.warn               wtmp
auth.log                lastlog                 messages                wwwoffle-htdig.log
boot                    lilo_log.12767          ppp-connect-errors      wwwoffle-upgrade.log
daemon.log              lp-acct                 ppp-ipupdown.log        xdm.log
debug                   lp-errs                 scrollkeeper.log        xfs.log
dmesg                   lpr.log                 setuid.changes
faillog                 mail.err                syslog
fontconfig.log          mail.info               user.log

Yes, many due to historical reasons.

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