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Re: [Proposal] Debconf4 in Brazil

Marcelo E. Magallon dijo [Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 11:18:55AM +0200]:
>  I just looked up the price for a normal flight ticket from San Jose,
>  Costa Rica to Sao Paulo... ouch.  It starts at US$950 (incl. tax).
>  Maybe asking around it can get cheaper, but I didn't expect it to be
>  _that_ expensive, esp. if take into account that you can travel from
>  SJO to LAX, SFO, MIA and other destinations in southern US for under
>  US$400.  And South America (Lima, Santiago) isn't _much_ more expensive
>  (US$500-600).  After the initial shock, I looked up FRA <-> POA... ouch
>  again.  EUR 1000 and up.  Just for comparison, if booked ahead of time,
>  you can get FRA <-> SJO for around EUR 600.
>  So, what's the trick?  Any tips on getting to Porto Alegre which have a
>  somewhat lower price tag?  How can you get from Sao Paulo to Porto
>  Alegre and how much is that?
>  Marcelo
>  PS: I have asked some people in Costa Rica if they'd be interested in
>      organizing DebConf 2004.  They are still figuring the logistics of
>      it (housing, venue, ...) and I can't really speak for them.  Maybe
>      it works out, maybe it doesn't.  My only real concern would be
>      Internet access -- I'm sure Branden can figure out what I'm talking
>      about :-)  There's always 2006.

Well... If this kind of problems can not be easily solved (although I
*do* want to go to Brazil, and there are many interesting things there,
both in the Free Software and meatspace arenas), I am interested in
setting up a Debcamp+Debconf in Mexico - Once again, if it is not for
2004, I'll push for it to be in 2006. 

Mexico has more or less the same benefits than Brazil. Costs are quite
similar, but it is much less travel time from the USA and Europe, and I
suppose it is also cheaper, although I have not investigated - From the
prices I have paid in the past, I think it is US$300 to $600 from
USA/Canada/Central America, $500 to $800 from South America, and $700 to
$1000 from Europe.

I have organized Free Software conferences in the last couple of years,
so I basically know the drill - the only thing I would have to work on
to figure out is how to set up free acommodation (sleeping)... Besides
that, I think, it would be quite easy to do.


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.cx - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
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