Re: About NM and Next Release
On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 06:00:53PM +0200, Nicolas Bertolissio wrote:
> Le jeudi 7 ao?t 2003, Goswin von Brederlow ?crit :
> > WE NMs WANT FEEDBACK. Someone please tell the DAM already to
> > activate
> YOU, not 'we', YOU are impatient, YOU are cannot wait any more,
> I am waiting for DAM approval, so I just wait...
Just because you don't wish to be included in the 'we' doesn't mean
there isn't more than just Goswin in the NM queue that would like to see
updates and feedback. I know of several (myself included) that would
like to see updates to their applications. Does this mean that we
"cannot wait any more", no. We are still waiting. However, this
doesn't mean that we are happy with the way the queue has been handled
in the past. We see room for improvement. However, we are not in a
position to directly effect a change of the situation. So, the options
are to wait silently or attempt to change it through making others aware
of the problems.
It's not a question of "cannot wait any more" it's a question of
courtesy. Are you saying that you do not want, and would not welcome,
feedback on your application? I'm not asking whether you would clamor
for updates, but whether receiving them would be a problem for you?
Jamin W. Collins
This is the typical unix way of doing things: you string together lots
of very specific tools to accomplish larger tasks. -- Vineet Kumar
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