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Re: Every spam is sacred

On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 12:57:46PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> Mathieu Roy wrote:
> Please go to http://dsbl.org and read about it.


> My advice has not changed: Please go to http://dsbl.org and read about it.


> You are missing the point because you don't know how DSBL works.
> Please go to http://dsbl.org and read about it.

Read about it. Still do not like the idea of relaying the power to block some
legitimate emails to someone else.

> AOL's outgoing SMTP servers are not open relays.

How can you be so sure about it?

> If debian-admin eventually gives us the opportunity to block messages
> from the DSBL on a per-user basis, it's nearly impossible that a
> message you send me from AOL to my @debian.org address is blocked by
> master, unless AOL makes a big configuration mistake in their SMTP
> servers, but they would surely fix this immediately, since many people
> blocks messages coming from open relays as well.

>From the dsbl web page:

>> Hey, I think one of your trusted testers has listed their own ISP.
>>  This is very unlikely, since our trusted accounts are only given to users
>>  after they have shown that they can operate a tester without listing
>>  themselves or their ISP. What you are probably seeing is what is known as
>>  a "blind relay" or a "blind proxy", which is a server that forwards on mail
>>  without adding its own headers. This causes very confusing headers which
>>  give the illusion that our trusted tester is actually operating at the
>>  location of the open relay server.

So it is not so error-free and it relays on trusted testers. Trusted by who?
Based on what?

If after fighting during 6+ months to enter the debian project we are going to
relay the power to decide if emails can reach some members of the project in
some amateurs with unknown rules, i believe there is something defilitelly
broken in the process.


Jesus Climent | Unix SysAdm | Helsinki, Finland | pumuki.hispalinux.es
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 Registered Linux user #66350 proudly using Debian Sid & Linux 2.4.20

The fool looks at a finger that points at the sky.
		--The Sacré-Coeur Boy (Amelie)

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