Re: Every spam is sacred
On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 02:09:21PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> Large ISPs or corporate mail services who would be likely to make over
> 400,000 queries per day should use zone transfers to a local DNS
> server on your network. Zone transfers of the SBL are available free
> of charge (but are restricted to large users only), please contact us
> for information (stating clearly who you are and what type of network
> you run). The only restriction is that you can not redistribute the
> zone or its data under a different name (international organizations
> can however redistribute the zone to their subsidiaries).
> If we decide to use the SBL in either warn mode or reject mode we could
> request a zone transfer from them. We would probably qualify as a large ISP.
I fail to see how the license is DFSG comp.
Jesus Climent | Unix SysAdm | Helsinki, Finland |
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429 7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69
Registered Linux user #66350 proudly using Debian Sid & Linux 2.4.20
We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life.
--C-3PO (Star Wars)
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