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A better recompile process? Was: Re: testing, unstable, and dependencies

On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 07:06:06PM +1100, Brian May wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 12:25:10PM +0100, Ola Lundqvist wrote:
> > Is it possible (in theory) to have a set of buildd:s that use
> > testing for compiling. If they fail (i.e. version dep problems)
> > the package is moved to the unstable buildd:s (the ones that exist
> > today) for building.
> Building packages based on testing libraries had been discussed
> and debated on the mailing list before.
> The answer was no, because this would mean that libraries in unstable
> would never get tested before they are moved into testing.

I have to ask a question based on the three replies that you got
on this mail.

The question is: What is the difference on how it is today?

I'll try to explain, and maybe answer my own question.


* Packages is tested when they are in unstable.
* Packages that is compiled against (but compiles on earlier
  versions of) packages (libs) that are buggy in unstable will be

With "my" proposed change:

* Packages is tested when they are in unstable.
* Packages can actually require some newer version of a library
  that can not be automatically detected. This kind of things
  is prevented today.

So I do not see the big difference. Especially I can not see how
the current setup makes packages (including libraries) to be more
tested than before. Well yes they will be included faster becuase
they are not held because of problems on other packages in the
high rate as now.

I'm still not convinced that "my" proposal is a bad proposal.


// Ola

> -- 
> Brian May <bam@debian.org>
> -- 
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