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Re: Bug#176267: ITP: mplayer -- Mplayer is a full-featured audioand video player for UN*X like systems

Andrew Suffield wrote:
> wasted"? These figures will change almost randomly depending on what
> else is running on the host at the same time.
That's why I pasted the Idle time.

> They certainly don't reflect how an application will perform in the cases you
> care about,
Talk about exact things!

> especially if (like xine and mplayer) they adapt their performance profile
> when system load is high - which any decent multimedia application should be
> doing.
"adapt their performance profile" ?? :)) It's called framedropping :)

> This is closer to the domain of real benchmarks, but it's still at the
> sort of level you get from a marketing department.
1. __you are free to reproduce it__
2. you failed to point out _what_ and _why_ is wrong in benchmarking a gcc
   compilation to get Idle CPU time, just say "marketing". :) I can't think
   you ever did any benchmarks, sorry..

So unless you say _reasons_ why the benchmark was bad, please don't answer.

> (One golden rule is that if a benchmark was quoted without giving the
> variance, it's neither objective nor useful).

> > So thanks for your mail, but next time you doubt I can read 'top' output,
> > think twice.
> Uhh, the whole point was that top is not a useful benchmarking
> tool. What mail were you reading?
Ok, if you tell me that top is lying when it writes "0% CPU is idle when
xine is running", then you better don't send that mail at all.

Anyway, don't send any mails at all. I saw aaxine, and seen it's fucking slow.
You don't believe it but failed to produce benchmarks to prove you truth, so I
don't care. You never tried aaxine, I already see that. You simply don't want
to believe, so it doesn't matter what benchmarks I post.

MPlayer Core Team

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