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Re: Are we losing users to Gentoo?

On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 02:04:52PM -0800, Jon Kent wrote:

> >   Could you run X 4.2 in, say, s390 that date? FYI,
> > X is supported in 11
> >   archs in Debian, a lot more than upstream
> > supports.

> Ah, now this is an interesting point.  I understand
> that X4.2 got delayed as it was not ready across all
> platforms.  However i386 was ready but not relased
> until a far later date.  I sorta understand this, but
> i386 is by far the most used Linux platform, so
> delaying it 'cos is not running under PPC seems a bit
> mad to me IMHO.

So, volunteer your time and start packaging
xserver-xfree86-experimental, if you think that's feasible.  Just because
the X maintainer chooses to give priority to keeping architectures in
sync doesn't mean that it's not possible to provide structure within
Debian that users of newer x86 hardware can't benefit from.  However, you
have no call to criticize Branden's priorities if you're not willing to
commit your own time to improving Debian.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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