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Re: Are we losing users to Gentoo?

>>"Philip" == Philip Brown <phil@bolthole.com> writes:

 Philip> It's kind of like the progression in first person shooter
 Philip> games.  There was wolfenstein, which was amazing just for the
 Philip> concept of 3d.  Then there was doom, which had kinda-sorta
 Philip> impressive eye-candy for the time.

 Philip> Now a new game isnt even worth considering, if you cant see
 Philip> the sweat dripping from your opponent's forehead, so to
 Philip> speak.

 Philip> If debian as a whole does not raise its general standards of
 Philip> user experience, then it risks being a "Doom II", in a Q3
 Philip> Arena world.

	You miss the point on how Debian is refined, and indeed, how
 it was wrought in the first place.

	Debian is the end result of a whole bunch of people trying to
 create something that they find satisfactory, and work is mostly done
 when something is unsatisfactory to the people doing the work.

	So, if we like playing angband; it does not matter that we do
 not have visible sweat on Sauron's brow in Debian.

 Philip> But it seems like the attitudes of debian developers in
 Philip> general need a serious adjustment.

	Oh, really? And who exactly is going to apply this

 "I mean, like, I just read your article in the Yale law recipe, on
 search and seizure.  Man, that was really Out There." "I was so
 WRECKED when I wrote that..." John Lovitz, as ex-Supreme Court
 nominee Alan Ginsburg, on SNL
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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