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Re: Discussion - non-free software removal

On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 01:11:46AM +0100, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> So, they are rewriting it themselves, but a full rewrite of such a
> raytracer takes some time, it seems.

That is good.

Yes, I would imagine a complete rewrite may take some time. Hopefully
the result might even be easier to use (My interpretation of the current
language seems to differ greatly from the programs interpretation of the
language ;-). If an object doesn't appear at the location you expect, it
is often very difficult to work out precisely where it did appear, too).

The reasonable recent date on the license, "14 April 2002" is a good
sign too, I am use to these complete "rewrites" that never actually

Do they have plans to release prerelease code when ready?

[1] Anybody heard of the LaTeX 3 project, the complete "rewrite of LaTeX
    2e" within the last one or two years?
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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