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Re: Discussion - non-free software removal

>>"Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

 Anthony> By my count, excluding non-US packages, the numbers look like this:

 Anthony>         total   main  contrib non-free   %main  %contrib %non-free
 Anthony> bo       1188    980    31      115       82.5    2.6       9.7
 Anthony> hamm     1852   1524   101      227       82.3    5.5      12.3
 Anthony> slink    2664   2269    97      298       85.2    3.6      11.2
 Anthony> potato   4305   3889   123      293       90.3    2.9       6.8
 Anthony> woody    8766   8291   203      272       94.6    2.3       3.1
 Anthony> ---------------------------------------------------------------
 Anthony> sarge   10283   9734   257      292       94.7    2.5       2.8
 Anthony> sid     11168  10555   306      307       94.5    2.7       2.7

	Hmm. I think this is kinda compelling argument for let it
 wither on its own school of thought.

 "On a normal ascii line, the only safe condition to detect is a
 'BREAK' everything else having been assigned functions by Gnu EMACS."
 (By Tarl Neustaedter)
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

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