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Re: is Debian an anarchist organization/project?

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 12:27, Jonathan Walther wrote:
> On the OTHER hand, historically, non-statist aboriginal peoples made
> very fierce fighters, whether in Africa, New Zealand, or the Americas.
> They were determined not to give up their liberties, even if they did
> only have bows, arrows and spears to pit against enemy rifles.

Neither the Zulus nor the Maories could be described as non-statist.  They had 
their chiefs and shamen running things.

If a sniper has a kalashnikov you don't necessarily have to flush him out, you 
can just kill a large number of people on his side and let the locals decide 
that it's easier to just stop their people becoming snipers.

> So,
> historically, things are looking pretty good for anarchists when they
> have state of the art weaponry.

It didn't work that way in occupied Europe in WW2.

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 14:48, Dmitry Borodaenko wrote:
>  DB>> The difference is, any individual who *wants* to, *can* become DD,
>  RC> Really?
> At least it worked for me, and for everyone else I know who tried. Do
> you have a counter-example of a person who applied to become a DD and
> was turned down?

Of course not.  No-one ever gets turned down, they just wait in the queue 
until they get sick of it.

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