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Re: RFC: some new deb package flag: "upgrade-conflicts"

On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 10:39:23PM -0500, Graham Wilson wrote:
> it just seems like upstream would want to support users who are
> transistioning from older versions of the software. i think a better
> policy, rather than something debian specific, would be for debian
> devels to work with upstream to provide something that can benefit
> everyone.

Hrm, you're not a developer evidently; the developer's reference basically
already recommends this: ``A big part of your job as Debian maintainer
will be to stay in contact with the upstream developers. [...]  If you
need to modify the upstream sources in order to build a policy compliant
package, then you should propose a nice fix to the upstream developers
which can be included there, so that you won't have to modify the sources
of the next upstream version.''

Also, compare with the Gnome 2 stuff at the moment: Gnome upstream
are *strongly* recommending we don't replace Gnome 1 by Gnome 2 even
in unstable until we've written some config upgrade scripts -- while
they think such things are necessary for mass use of Gnome 2, they also
preferred to leave the authoring of them to the distros. Who writes the
code doesn't really matter, as long as it gets written.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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